
The Internet Service is provided by:

European Dairy Farmers e.V.
Grüner Kamp 19-21
24768 Rendsburg

Responsible party within the meaning of § 10 para. 3 of the MDStV (State Media Treaty)

European Dairy Farmers e.V.
Represented by the Executive Board: Judit Kühl, Managing Director, Tom Dunne, President, Anders Christensson Vice President, Thibaut Cordel, Vice President.
Grüner Kamp 19-21
24768 Rendsburg

Legal Notice (Disclaimer)
Please take note of the important legal information regarding the content and availability of these websites, copyright, and external links.

Content of this Website
The content of this website is created with the utmost care. However, European dairy Farmers e.V. does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided.

All pictures taken by Thomas Ix (

Availability of the Website
European Dairy Farmers e.V. will make every effort to provide the service without interruptions. However, even with all due care, downtime cannot be excluded. European Dairy Farmers e.V. reserves the right to change or discontinue its offerings at any time and cannot guarantee against interruptions or other disturbances caused by incorrectly formatted files or improperly structured formats.

All content and structures on this website are protected by copyright and related rights. Publication on the World Wide Web or other internet services does not imply consent for third-party use. Any use not permitted by German copyright law requires prior written approval from European Dairy Farmers e.V.

We explicitly allow and encourage the quoting of our documents and the creation of links to our website, provided it is clearly indicated that the content is from the website of European Dairy Farmers e.V., and that these contents are not linked to third-party content that contradicts the interests of European Dairy Farmers e.V.

Notice on the Issue of External Links
European Dairy Farmers e.V. is, as a content provider, responsible for its “own content” made available for use under § 7, para. 1 of the Telemedia Act, in accordance with general laws. These own contents are to be distinguished from cross-references (“links”) to content provided by other providers. By providing the cross-reference, European Dairy Farmers e.V. makes “external content” available for use, which is clearly identified as such. “Links” are always “live” (dynamic) references. Although European Dairy Farmers e.V. has initially checked the external content to see if it triggers any potential civil or criminal liability, it does not continually review the content it links to for changes that could lead to new liabilities. If European Dairy Farmers e.V. becomes aware, or is notified by others, that a specific offer linked to has triggered civil or criminal liability, the link to that offer will be removed.