EDF Structure

Our Story: Celebrating Generations of Dairy Passion in Europe!

EDF Foundation and History

European Dairy Farmers (EDF) e.V. stands as a community of forward-thinking dairy farmers. We provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and knowledge on an international scale, directly from farmer to farmer. EDF operates as a non-political, impartial, and independent organization, fueled by the progressive spirit of farmers. Our club conducts its activities primarily in English.
EDF owes its origins to two prominent German institutions: the German Agricultural Society (DLG) based in Frankfurt/Main, and the Thünen Institute (TI), formerly known as FAL (Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries), situated in Braunschweig. In collaboration with esteemed European dairy farmers, EDF was founded in Stoneleigh, UK, in 1990.

Our Story: Celebrating Generations of Passion for Dairy in Europe


Empowering European Dairy Farmers to Thrive in a Dynamic Industry


We want to be a club of most innovative and progressive dairy enterpreneurs in Europe.


EDF offers a unique platform for learning and inspiration through its network and CoP Benchmark.

Our Core Principles and Structures

The structure of EDF is farmer-centric, designed by farmers for farmers. A key requirement is that more than 70% of its members must be actively engaged in dairy farming. The remaining 30% can include advisors, scientists, agribusiness partners, and other interested in the dairy sector. The General Assembly serves as EDF’s highest decision-making body. During this assembly, the EDF president, two vice presidents, and members of the EDF council are elected. Each member of the EDF council represents their respective country and is responsible for addressing daily operational matters. Importantly, all elected representatives must be active farmers. EDF’s benchmarking activities receive support from the Scientific Team for Analysis and Research (EDF STAR), comprising scientists, advisors, and dairy experts from EDF member countries.

Achievements since the Foundation


EDF Foundation

EDF was founded by the German Agriculture Society, the Thünen Institute and a group of European Dairy Farmers in Stoneleigh, UK.


EDF-ZuivelNL Milk Price Comparison Project Start

The International Milk Price Comparison Project began with the standardization and publication of data from 17 large European dairy processors from 9


Foundation of EDF STAR

The EDF Scientific Team for Analysis and Research (EDF STAR) was founded. 


European Dairy Farmers Form Official Association

European Dairy Farmers have united under an established official association, aiming to strengthen collaboration, represent their interests, and promote sustainable practices across the sector.


First Annual Snapshot Survey

The first Snapshot Survey “From Farm Culture to Business Culture” was launched, offering insights into the evolving priorities and practices of dairy farms as they shift towards a more business-oriented approach.


EDF Welcomes First Full-Time Employee

EDF has marked a milestone by hiring its first regular full-time employee, Steffi Wille-Sonk, to support the ongoing initiatives.


Club-led Governance

The organization has gained independence by appointing its own manager, Judit Kühl, to lead its initiatives and operations.


Frameworks Set for Congress Hosting; First Held in a New Member Country

Guidelines for organizing the congress in member countries were established, marking a milestone with the first congress successfully hosted in a member country without having a larger established EDF branch.


EDF Celebrates its 30th Anniversary

EDF proudly marked its 30th anniversary, celebrating the remarkable success of surpassing its initial goals!

30 Years Of EDF

EDF Launches Mobile App and Member Platform "EDF Connects"

The EDF mobile app and member platform, EDF Connects, were launched, providing members with a seamless opportunity for regular exchange and networking throughout the year, enhancing collaboration and support within the community.


EDF Launches New CoP Web Application for Enhanced Data Standardisation and Comparison

The EDF has developed a new web application for the CoP Benchmark, designed to ensure more reliable and consistent data standardisation, enabling more accurate and detailed comparisons across participating dairy farmers.

Stay tuned for exciting updates and new developments from our network!

Our Statute

As a registered association (German Register of Associations, Frankfurt/Main, no. VR14121), we act according to our statute. You can download it here to have a closer look.