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A club of farmers for farmers

EDF Benchmarking for dairy farms in Europe

The Cost of Production Comparison (CoP) is the core benchmarking analysis of EDF. It is conducted by our Scientific Team for Analysis and Research (EDF STAR) in close co-operation with the farms and advisors in our network. The CoP is the base for the knowledge exchange that is encouraged during our events and meetings. Farmers have the advantage of gaining knowledge through exchanges within the EDF network which helps them actively to shape their own dairy farms future.

What do we do?

We analyse and compare the economic and general performance of more than 300 individual dairy farms in Europe and other countries outside of Europe (e.g. Canada, Australia). Our analysis is based on the farms accounting data that is collected annually with the help of our STAR members. We calculate cost of production, break-even-point, entrepreneur’s profit and other operating numbers for a farm’s dairy enterprise.  Cost of production are calculated as full economic costs including calculated costs for family labour, farm-ownd land, farm-ownd milk quota, and own + debt capital tied-up in the dairy enterprise.

Why do we do it?

The goal of EDF is to be the platform for international exchange and knowledge transfer among dairy farmers. The base for this is a homogeneous and structured database as well as the experience and knowledge of our members. The aim of our CoP is to provide comparable operating numbers to our members. Farmers active participating in the CoP can compare their farms economic performance with other farms in Europe and the world. This helps them to detect the strengths and weaknesses of their business. Those operating numbers are the base for intense, profound and enlightening discussions during EDF meetings and events about single farm performances and competitiveness as well as general dairy farm economics, strategies, production systems and regional conditions in Europe and other parts of the world.